Andover Collection/PTO Collaboration
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· Bancroft Elementary PTO Collaboration - This February marked Andover Collections’ pilot PTO Merchandise Program. The initial launch was in collaboration with Bancroft Elementary School. Andover Collection worked with Bancroft PTO offering a dedicated webpage for school specific merchandise featuring the Bancroft Elementary colors and utilizing their new logos. The merchandise was available to order for a limited time on a dedicated Andover Collection online link provided to the PTO to share with their students and parents. Once the ordering time closed, orders were compiled, produced and delivered by Andover Collection to the school with a percentage of the sales going to the PTO. The program is designed to reach out into the community by providing the merchandise needs of local schools while taking the time and work involved off of the PTO and still raising money for the school. It’s a win-win! If your school PTO is interested in testing out our program, please reach out, we would be happy to discuss a program that fits your needs.
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