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Congratulations Newly Andover Admits!
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We extend our congratulations to the 247th Phillips Academy admitted class. Welcome to Andover, we look forward to seeing you all! Each spring we enjoy seeing the happy faces of new Andover admits as they visit our store preparing to gear up in spirit Blue. We hope to see you during re-visits this month. For your convenience we have extended our store hours to be open on Sundays in March. Follow us on Instagram for more updates.
Andover Downtown Trick or Treat
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This year’s Andover Downtown Trick or Treat did not disappoint. The weather was picture perfect and so were the costumes. Hundreds of children ventured down Main Street where they were welcomed by community establishments offering greetings and sweet treats. The annual event coordinated by the town and local businesses is a fun opportunity for families to visit downtown stores and restaurants and to showcase the scarecrow creations displayed on lampposts throughout the street. One of our favorite costumes was this Railroad Crossing creation below. Check out more creative costumes on our Instagram post and let us know your favorite! @andovercollection.com
Welcome Summer Session 2023
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We at Andover Collection welcome the Phillips Academy 2023 Summer Session students. Close to 900 students from over 40 countries and 30 plus states will be attending the academic session this summer. It’s always a fun time of year as the students arrive and fill the downtown in between studies, exploring all that Andover has to offer. We look forward to meeting them all over the next five weeks as they take on this experience of a lifetime! Established in 1942, Phillips Academy’s Summer Session in Andover, Massachusetts is the premier summer academic enrichment program in...
Congratulations Class of 2023!
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We extend our congratulations to the Phillips Academy and Andover High School Class of 2023 graduates. It’s always a great time of year seeing the students we have come to know over their four year journey reach this milestone. Although we know they will all be off in different directions, we are so happy to have had the great pleasure of interacting with them and their families during their time in Andover. Some will be back for reunion, some will be back to visit family and some will make their home here. Whatever the case we are sure Andover will...
Decades of Design Podcast
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What do Mariah Carey, Snoop Dog and Mike Tyson all have in common? Find out in “Decades of Design” podcasts. After months of chronicling, recording and editing, owner Roseanna Ansaldi’s podcast “Decades of Design” is now live. In addition to owning Andover Collection, Roseanna has a vast career in the fashion and technical design fields spanning four-plus decades. The podcast set in five parts starts out with her family background, continues through her professional training and moves on to how she used those talents as a designer by showcasing them in the ballet, rock n’ roll, hip-hop, and professional sports...